Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 15th rally Federation Square.

This is one poster which will be displayed on the day.
I hope no one in our ranks is offended by the linking of the Cross to the Parliament House flag mast thingy.  The reason for this is not to suggest we are 'ruled' by Chrisianity, but that it is a vital and core part of our historical, cultural  and social tradition.
Remember.. our Parliament opens with these words:

"Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses 
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
for ever and ever, Amen." 
Commonly known as "The Lords Prayer"

Our Constitution preamble contains these words "Humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God"
So...they are  the reasons I structured the poster in that way.  As for me personally.. I'm defending those precious traditions. Without them, in my view, we are left with "any" view of society, and Nihilism and Socialism/Communism are not my idea of a happy society.

You will also notice I've included 4 human images, representing some of the major ethnic groups in Australia. Unquestionably the largest 'dominant' sector is the 'whites' which is not a bad thing.  Much better to have a large majority of people who are not at each others throats, than a bunch of squabbling minorities. (i.e.. if all we had were many similar sized groups, their would be utter chaos.. just look at countries where this is the case)

Then we have Skippy and Sam.. our beloved animal symbols. The Roo and the Koala.

As for Wording.. the central message is "No Sharia..not now, not ever" and a sub message of crucial importance "Aussie law, not international law".

INTERNATIONAL LAW is the primary influence which either is..or will be prohibiting "Criticism of Islam" in the name of controlling hate speech or 'defamation of religions'

"International Law" is often a synonym for political bullying outcomes from the OIC and thus do not represent anything resembling fair or just law and must be opposed.

MESSAGE TO SLACKBASTARD and FIGHT DEM BACK and GLW.  You mob seriously need some guidance about your 'Racism and Fascism' ideas.  They are out of date, incorrect, and plain stupid. The ADL is not about 'racism' it is about "Opposing the rise of radical Islam".  Islam is not a 'race' it is a religion. But you already knew that didn't you. Of course you did.  If only your "We'll promote our marxist agenda at any cost and no matter how untruthful" was not so blatantly transparent.!

The primary reason your position  is plain 'stupid' is as follows:
a) I doubt any of you know the first thing about Islam.  The depth of knowledge (lack thereof) was highlighted by some twerp at RMIT who, when asked if he knew about it (by me) said "about as much as I know about any religion.. stuff all"  yet this 'bright light' was supporting the Muslims for their 'coup' on the RMIT prayer hall issue.
b) By supporting Muslims without a knowledge base, you are committing the same idiocy the Iranian communists did,  when the Revolutionary Guards took power..they also slaughtered as many commies as they could drag kicking and screaming out of various prisons and the streets.. I recall they massacred about 10,000. (My source for that little gem was the Socialist Alternative web magazine.)
But wait.. YOU dear souls maybe think "This time, when WE take power.. we'll kill those bastards first" aaaah..oh well.....dream on.

But we must express our thanks for all the FREE publicity which otherwise would have cost us meggggabucks.  Now people are talking.. and I suspect that the same thing will happen with you dear folks as happened with the not so dear UAF in the UK..i.e.. their numbers will shrink over time.. ADL will increase.. and your message will become increasingly hysterical and shrill and you might even resort to violence.. let's hope not or we'll give you  a damn spanking..the legal kind. Soooo..anyone who throws anything, who says anything offensive.. who touches, who swears at us!!... who defames, or incites, we will be on your case like a pitbull on a chihwawa. And if you think that's an idle threat.. ask The Age how much legal action is costing them right now for offensive comments. (or the former 'feral'  court Judge and a 'prominent entertainer')

A BETTER IDEA... would be for you friends to actually JOIN us.. and YES.. you can scream and rant about 'Racism'.. because Islam contains heaps of it. We can all shout against it together.. then we can march arm in arm to Parliament house and celebrate Utopian social harmony and unity.. what is it you always say "Celebrate Diversity"   *smile*

-"No to  Islamic Racism"/ "yes to a united Australia"
-"Muslim Racists off our Streets/keep our children safe".
-"No to beating wives.. yes to loving  famlies".
-"No to child abuse.. Yes to child protection".
-"No Religious violence. Yes to the Aussie fair go"

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