In that cesspool of self glorifying, self aggrandizing, religio centric mush...the 'Sydney Muslim Youth' forum..they are on overdrive to ramp up the tone for some kind of confrontation.
One poster named "Covered Beauty" says:
Lek please tell me what would happen if we ever made a group like that!?
Then Lek please tell me what would happen if we ever made a group like that!?
Seriously, we should let everyone know about their protest day so that we can face them on the day.. not violently - since that aint what the Prophet s.a.w taught us but in a way that will not allow them to dishonour islam.
I really hope they dont get the approval to go on with the protest because if they do, it's going to be real bad subhanAllah.
I really hope they dont get the approval to go on with the protest because if they do, it's going to be real bad subhanAllah.
"A group like that"??? she must be kidding.. how about Sharia4Australia?'s going to be 'real bad' ? but.. "not violent" ? hmmmm methinks there is a bit of a contradiction between that very thin disclaimer and the more realistic threat. But let's subject this sad poster to some intellectual/historical scrutiny using the Quran as the arbiter...yep.. it can actually be useful at times.
Covered 'beauty' says:
not violently - since that aint what the Prophet s.a.w taught us
Oh really ????? hmmm but I turn to the 'surah of the sword' and.. shock horror..I read the following in surah
9:29 "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Now THAT is what Muhammad taught, so let's be clear that he did teach violence against unbelievers. So little miss 'Covered Beauty' is either ill informed or just plain lying through her nikab.
But we also have the case of this "Grandma what big teeth you have" communist infiltrator posing as a Muslim called Mu'tazBillah who claims re the Fed Square Rally:
On their May 15th protest in Melbourne, one of their members was recorded taking out the flag of Islam and preparing to do something to it, maybe burn or step on it.
He then foams:A NON-MUSLIM anti-racist protester confronted the dog, and saved the flag. From the video, I could only see around three Arab looking young men, and one or two Muslim girls in the crowd. SubhanAllah what a time we live in when the Muslim ‘men’ cower in their homes in fear of confrontation while the defense and symbols of this religion are left to the protection of the non-Muslims,
In reality, the 'non muslim' was one of our own team, who probably felt that anything too provocative might be unwise in such a mixed crowded situation. But notice his attempt to shame Muslims into coming out into the open and engaging in violent confrontation! saying they were 'cowering' and leaving the dirty work to the non Muslims. The reality is.... most of those at Fed Square were vile opportunist scum who simply tried to use the occasion to peddle their long outdated, sadly outmoded and repeatedly failed socialist dogma. They were a tragic mix of socially marginal people, with no acceptance in normal society who have hooked themselves up to some 'cause' to give themselves a sense of belonging.
They were managed by skillful and well trained professional agitators with bull horns who herded them like brainless sheep to do their marxist bidding. Quite a pity really, that so much trouble can be caused by such empty vessels.
Naturally, the ADL has learned valuable lessons from this experience..and those lessons will be applied in future demonstrations.
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