Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ABOLISH...the 'white' race.... revisited.

In view of the utter hysterical frenzy of progressives, drooling at the prospect of labelling Christians as terrorists like might be a good time to revisit this very genocidal view expressed by non other than Noel Ignatiev, one of the poster boys of Marxist/Progressive leftism.

Ignatiev clearly and blatantly advocates psychological atrocities against white people because of the color of their skin. (Ignatiev is actually Jewish..and 'white')  He tries to deflect the idea that he want's to 'kill' whitey, no no...he just want's to relegate 'white' people to social nobodies based on the absurd claim that no matter how 'high/wealthy' born you might be as a black... you are still by default lower than the lowliest scungiest white trailer trash.  It's absurd because it simply isn't true. Think Oprah Winfrey... American royalty.

Ignative has some chilling words at the end of his essay "Abolish the white race" as follows:  Firstly the title includes the phrase "By any means neccessary".... now.. unless I'm mistaken "any" has a pretty wide scope.
His conclusion though is even more chilling:

"We should say that there are some articles we are not interested in publishing. Since we are not seeking converts, we probably will not publish articles which lecture various organizations about their racial opportunism. Also we probably will not publish articles promoting inter-racial harmony, because that approach too often leaves intact differential treatment of whites and blacks and provides subtle confirmation of the idea that different races exist independently of social distinctions.
In the original film version of ROBIN HOOD (starring Errol Flynn), the Sheriff of Nottingham says to Robin, "You speak treason." Robin replies, "Fluently." We hope to do the same."

So there it is folks.. Breivik killed people who he believed think like Ignatiev.. while they are white on the outside, they were more 'internationalist' on the inside, and would, to Breiviik's mind, have held views similar to Ignatiev. I can imagine that Breivik might well have included such excerpts from Ignatiev's disgusting work in his manifesto, but not having yet read it, I can't say. What I can say is this, if any white person were to read Ignatiev's  "white holocaust" like essay,  and they believed that there were those in their own government or in it's upcoming ranks who stood for such views.. it would be a considerable motivation to take a more radical approach to eliminating the problem.

This blog believes that the most useful weapon against such hateful decadent and racist thinking by Ignatiev and his progressive ilk is "truth"... so if you are reading this, whoever you are.. please inform people of that essay and how to find it. The more people know...the more likely they are to be wary of progressive fabian politicians like our own Julia Gillard.  The ballot box is the way.... we've seen how her fabian carbon tax/income redistribution adventure is boomeranging on her electorally.. and we all need to keep up the pressure.
Once again.. 'truth' is the remedy.. and the 2 most informative documentaries on this subject area are linked below.. please avail yourselves of them and inform yourself..then, you family, friends, neighbours.
"The History of Political Correctness"  (Conservative perpsective, but leftist sources)
"The Century of the self"  (Liberal perspective, but very useful and informative.. much awarded.)

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