Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The mind of Anders Breivick-Oslo Massacre

As news filters out about Anders, it is becoming clear that he has fed sumptuously on the major themes of the anti Jihad movement.  These are:
The major pivotal battles which ensured the freedom of the West from Islamic Domination-
a) Battle of Tours in 732
b) Battle of Vienna in 1683  (noteworthy about this battle is that it occured on SEP 11th and was the first time the forces of Jihad and Islamization had been stopped in it's tracks by any European army since 1199)
c) Cultural Marxism.
e) Destruction of national/ethnic identity through unfettered Immigration, particularly from Islamic countries.

There is no question whatsoever that Breivick is absolutely correct on each of these points.  The issue of contention is not these self evident well established truths, but how he responded to them. The counter jihad movement has 2 enemies. One is from without, (the influx of Muslims into non Muslim traditionally Christian lands) and the other, from within, the political Left which sees the future of the world in terms of Global governance and a New World Order that they control.

Various groups and individuals have arisen to oppose these dark forces of naive utopians. Geert Wilders, the English Defense League.. Australian Defense League and  many other "Defense Leagues" in European countries.
Robert Spencer "Jihad Watch", Glenn Beck previously of Fox News... and so on.  All of these movements and individuals advocate political change through the informed ballot box, rather than the bullet. Sadly, Anders Breivick appears not to have had enough faith in the ability of members of the community, when properly informed, to make the right political choices to stem this rising tide of Islamization which is facilitated by it's ally and 5th column helper- the political Left.
Breivick decided that much stronger and more immediate action was needed to make a statement, and trigger a much wider reaction.
Those of us in the Defence Leagues take a different view. We believe that ongoing exposure of our viewpoint and reasons for being will, over time become more mainstream, more accepted and that when people see just how pernicious and dark the forces of cultural Marxism are, and how much they have acheived by 'gradualism'...they will react accordingly and kick to the furtherst political landfill, those who have been prancing around in sheeps skins, while destroying the fabric and cultural  identity of nation states.
The bomb and the bullet are not the answer to these Fabians, Frankfurt School Socialists and Islamists allied against us.  At least not until a formal war has been declared by external powers against us. No.. the weapons of our war must be and remain.. 'truth' and information. 

With this in mind, it's worth quoting from one of the Frankfurt school luminaries Herbert Marcuse who wrote in his 1965 essay "Repressive Tolerance" as follows:

THIS essay examines the idea of tolerance in our advanced industrial society. The conclusion reached is that the realization of the objective of tolerance would call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed. 

If Marcuse essay and thinking had remained within himself, we would not face such a determined enemy as we do today in the political Left.  The blatant and inconscionable intolerance of the Green(red)/ Left toward any viewpoint other than it's own, leaves one almost breathless in astonishment, when they often express their intolerance using the word itself "You are intolerant" "You are fearmongering".... and so on as they try to surpress and oppress any alternate view. 

Such an approach will undoubtedly spawn the likes of an  Anders Breivick at the most exteme end of the social spectrum. Of one thing we may be certain, Breivick's response to the historical,  political and social realities outlined above, is not the appropriate one,  though I suspect it will create a lot more 'justifications' for impending intolerance toward conservative viewpoints and a ramping up of 'progressive' hate  rhetoric against them.

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