Monday, July 25, 2011

Oslo Terror puts the spotlight on 'Radical' Islam.

The New York times published an article on July 24th with the Headline "Killings in Norway Spotlight Anti Muslim thought in the US".... Strange how the article also mentions that the Norwegian killer also quoted from the Unabomber, but that somehow escaped the headline of convenience. Robert Spencer, who runs Jihad Watch  has come in for a verbal flogging from the left wing NYT, which clearly plans to milk this tragedy to the nth degree in order to maximize the collateral damage to any conservative they can aim it at.

The main problem here is that for every 1 such so called "conservative" act of terror, there will be 100 from radical Islam.  The most curious point to this blog is that this one stands out so dramatically because it is the second of only 2 major incidents of this type since 1995. That's 2 major incidents in 16 years.  How many Islamic driven bombings, or attempted attacks have occurred during that time?  There are too many to count.

But we need to understand why the NYT is so apoplectic and hysterical about this.  I used to think that this was all about ideology. Yes.. that was in my naive days. Then I began to dig deeper into the various influences which have shaped the West since the 60s.  There seem to be 2 major groupings of forces at work. They are generally described as conservative and liberal or right and left.  In reality, they are two groupings of economic power groups.  It seems very clear to me, that the Democrats and Republicans (to use an American example) can be divided into major industrial/economic power blocs which are using the ideological divide in the States to further their own economic interests.  The main difference is that the Right/Conservative grouping is probably more connected to the wasp establishment and the Left/Liberal are tied to the immigrant, minority voting block.

Let's look at some of the huge financial interests at work here.  On the 'Right' there is the so called NeoCon supported "Military Industrial Complex"... but on the Left ? aah.. this needs some examination.  Let's take one BIG company "Gore Industries"..... why not google them and see just how huge they are. Then there is Al Gore himself.... and his many and varied "Investments" in so called green technology.  In reality, Gore is a mega rich industrialist who plays not with millions, but with billions in his economic/political playpen. Gore is the chairman of Generation Investments LLC which was the 6th largest shareholder in one of the biggest Carbon TRADING companies in Europe. That company was in turn bought by a bigger fish, so perhaps Gores percentage of share holding is less than the 6% it was, but nevertheless very substantial.  Gore and his assistant David Blood, are described here in the GI website.
Generation is an independent, private, owner-managed partnership with offices in London, New York and Sydney. The firm was co-founded in 2004 by Al Gore and David Blood.

The success of this major investment arm depends primarily on the implementation of Cap and Trade LAWS. Now...does it surprise anyone that Gore has been the energetic prophet of "doom gloom we are all gonna die because evil companies are polluting and killing the planet"...  Most of us are skeptical when the televangelist suddenly announces the next 'project for Gods work' to which we are all asked to generously contribute, because some of these televangelists suddenly starty flying to the next 'revival' in their own private jet.
 Joyce Meyer is a classic example of this.
One could go on and on about how the likes of Maurice Strong of the global earth summit/UN green groups etc has connections of a similar nature to Gore...  but the point is.. these "Left/Liberal" groups depend absolutely on the voting power of the same segments of the population which support the Democrats.(and Labor in the Aussie context)

Australia is not immune to this kind of thing as well.  Take the company ENVEX in Sydney. Have a peek at the link and see who is the Chairman... well...blow me down it's old Bob Carr former Labor premier of NSW!  Now..dare I say that Carr's record on bleating about 'Climate Change' is impeccable!  Hmmm... could there be a connection between his bleating and his investing?

So how does all this fit with radical Islam?  Mainly in the sense that the same economic/demographic groupings which support these left wing/green financial interests, depend, in part for their political survival on the considerable and increasing "Muslim vote".  Thus, to demonize 'Radical' Islam is to impact and harm the reputation of the  'nominal' Muslim and that in turn can negatively impact election outcomes and financial prospects of the Left/Liberal "Not so military but very Industrial politically dependant complex"

It might seem a bit of stretch, but if you do the hard yards of research, it will become very clear.

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