Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Trox Talk Season 2 Premieres Tomorrow!

       What's crackin' Troxaholics?! Welcome to Season 2 of the most must see blog this side of the Mississippi (I'll never forget how that state is spelled.) THIS IS TROXTALK! To kick things off, I just wanted to say, "Thank you all so friggin' much!" TroxTalk Season 1 ended with close to 20,000 hits! Considering this thing has almost no continuity, set schedule, or structure, I would consider that a tremendous success, and I have always told you that I'll keep typing as long as you keep reading. And boy have you kids been doing some READING.. Don't believe me? Try this on for size.

I'm normally not one to break the 4th wall just so I can pat myself on the back..but this is incredible.
      You guys are the best, and you pick me up, so I'm just going to keep bringing it to you this season. Before we go any further, I know what you're thinking. "Trox, isn't it sort of pretentious to have a 'season' in a blog setting?" YES! Yes it is, but here's the thing, I read a lot of blogs, and I try to learn from the mistakes of others as much as I can. Here are a few tidbits that I've picked up along the way. First of all, people who can get on their blogs and sit in front of the computer every day for countless hours are much better at this than I am. They get paid. I don't. They have carpal tunnel. I don't. Seems pretty fair. I won't even pretend to be on their level. Secondly, I think it's important for anyone who creates something or performs on any stage to wring out their head once in a while and just let their brain dry out in the backyard on the line. Blogs that cover the same subject like those about food, music, or which celebrity is nailing Justin Bieber, tend to get a little stale (unless it's a sports blog because they have a constant flow of new material) And blogs like mine, that bounce around all over the place have to root through hundreds of topics and cover only the ones that I believe will be the most entertaining and worth the read in order to stay relevant. I'm hoping that by spacing things out every few months and allowing my noggin some time to regroup, it will keep things fresh and topical for you guys instead of just scraping a bunch of crap together and forcing it into becoming a mediocre post. I apologize in advance for not wanting to give you "50 Ways to Cook A Patato". I like potatoes as much as the next guy, but that's all been done before. That's not to say everything I put on here is pure gold, I just like to think I go the extra mile to keep you into it.

Truth: I have a tendency to stretch myself too thin at times, and it makes me irritable, and my buddy Bill here.

      Another reason I've chosen to set things up this way is because pretty much all of my favorite things have this idea of 'seasons'. Every year I wait all summer for the new season of It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia.The NFL has a 16 game season, MLB has a 162 game season, and the NHL's 82 game season seems to last for about 10 months out of the year. Hell, even Angry Birds has seasons now. I did notice, however, that there are almost no blogs (at least that I've seen) that operate under this format. Who knows, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's a good idea. I guess there could be someone out there who has already tried it my way and realized it sucks. I'll cross that bridge if I get there.
      During my little hiatus I've done a lot of soul searching and evaluation of TroxTalk because I wanted to make sure I was doing everything in my power to give everyone the most enjoyable experience possible going forward. (That sounded like a cheesy mission statement.. Next thing I know Bob Sugar is going to be asking me to lunch...)
Sorry, Trox. It's not "show friends." It's show *business*.
         Based on some of your emails, and suggestions, it's pretty much unanimous that everyone likes things better when they are on a schedule. When I don't do a homework assignment for one week, people notice. If I haven't talked sports in a few posts, you all let me hear about it. Taking all that into account I've decided that during Season 2, we are going to run a little bit tighter ship around here. TroxTalk Homework Assignments will be posted every Monday starting this coming Monday August 1st here on the blog (and probably on Facebook too at first) and then the results will go up on Friday afternoon. I will also be posting a weekly sports segment on Saturday mornings where I discuss the biggest sports topics of the week. These are the only two segments that are etched in stone so far, but please feel free to email with anything you'd like to see on here in the weeks to come, or tweet @troxtalk. Another change that's coming is that I'm going to try (emphasis on TRY) to make Twitter a bigger deal here on I'll have some scheduled live chats and stuff that you won't want to miss too. If you aren't on there yet, get signed up and follow me. You'll like it. And if you don't then you can always follow Ashton Kutcher. (He's pretty funny...)
       So, that's my little teaser/trailer for the blockbuster premiere of TroxTalk: Season 2 tomorrow right here at 12:00 noon on the dot. I'm going to start the season with a little State of the NFL address. It will include my thoughts on the lockout, our hometown Bengals, and I am going to take my first crack ever at some Trox Talk Power Rankings. You have plenty of kindling, so let's burn this mother down. See you tomorrow.

                                                                   Warmest Regards,

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