Friday, July 22, 2011

Norway Island Youth Camp Massacre

An update to my previous report: "VIDEO: Terrorist Attack in Oslo, Norway."

The youth camp killings are tied to the bombings. See CSM, "Norway attacks: Details emerge about Utoya camp shooting."
Stockholm and Berlin - Norwegian Police confirmed the massive bombing in downtown Oslo this afternoon is linked to a shooting at a political youth camp west of the capital, though authorities declined to speculate on who was behind the attacks or what their motives might have been.
And the right wing angle at Telegraph UK, "Norway: dozens killed as terror attacks rock Oslo and youth camp."

At London's Daily Mail, "Blond Norwegian, 32, arrested over 'holiday island massacre' is linked to Oslo bomb blasts":
Police have linked the 32-year-old Norwegian man arrested for gunning down children on the holiday island of Utoya to the bomb blasts in Oslo.

Described as 6ft tall and blond, he is reported to have arrived on the island of Utoyah and opened fire after beckoning several young people over in his native Norwegian tongue.

Reports suggest he was seen loitering around the site of the bomb blast in Oslo two hours before the island incident - and minute[s] before the explosion.

More than 30 are believed to have been killed - seven in Oslo and between 25 to 30 on Utoya Island, 50 miles north of the capital.

It is not yet known what his motives were - whether he has been radicalised and was part of a militant Muslim group waging Jihad or was alternatively trying to further a home-grown political cause.
Also at Daily Mail, "MASSACRE AT KIDS' CAMP: More than 30 feared dead as terrorist opens fire at Norwegian summer camp and car bomb devastates Oslo."

Check Jawa Report for a huge live blog.

And expect updates ...

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