Wednesday, December 15, 2010

books, Books, BoOkS, BOOKS

I love books. Seriously. I LOVE them. My husband can vouch for this because he's always making comments about how I'm always reading, and that I have a lot of books. I actually bought a new bookshelf this year because I needed another home for my books, and I still have school books next to that shelf and on the computer desk.

The issue that I'm now being faced with is that I can't realistically ship all of my (beloved) books to Brazil with us. Plus, I don't think E would appreciate it if we were spending all of our shipping/moving allowance on my books. Completely understandable. The dilemma then is finding a home for my books - either in boxes on their way to Brasilia, in the hands of friends and families, or in the trash. I know this all seems too soon to worry about, but I am a planner and I want to have an idea about what we're taking with us and what it is we'll leave behind. Plus, because books are heavy, I'd prefer to ship them before we move. I know the United States has a special "media mail" rate and I am going to find out if I can do the same, but to Brazil.  I'll send my books my boat; I don't care as long as they get to their destination safe and sound.  So, I need to start thinking about this now.

I guess I have my work set out for me.

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