Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dreams do come true

All I can say is that dreams do come true. Of course you have to work hard to make it happen, but if you do it will pay off. Like Paulo Coelho said (and he's Brazilian), "Quando você quer alguma coisa, todo o universo conspira para que você realize o seu desejo" [When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.] Well in my case, my dream has been to teach English at an American school in Brazil. I will now be able to do just that.

I am excited to announce publicly that I was offered a teaching position as a 9th grade English teacher at a bilingual international school in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. I have accepted. I will be teaching. We will be departing in July 2011 and will stay for at least 2 years, if not forever....Even if we decide not to stay in Brasilia long term, we may still remain in Brazil.

Cathedral Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Brasilia)

Besides the fact that I am ecstatic about returning to Brazil to live, the school looks absolutely fabulous and I believe that I will be a perfect fit. The director agrees with me. That's why she hired me even though I'm going with the hubby (E) and he is not a teacher (apparently that complicates things in the eyes of American schools in Brazil). Anyway, the school has students from about 30 nations (the city of Brasilia is home to 113 embassies from all over the world) and offers students the opportunity to receive a Brazilian diploma as well as an American one. I will be the only 9th grade English teacher and will be teaching all of the Brazilian and International students.

The school's administration has decided that the quickest and cheapest way for me to legally move to Brazil is by obtaining the permanent (spousal) visa. So this is what I am beginning to work on now. I will update periodically as I move along with the immigration process and make my move down south.

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