Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cultural Marxism... is it victorious?

After the Russian Revolution failed to ignite a chain reaction of worker uprisings in Europe, the Left, and in particular the Frankfurt School of political/social theorists, (1950s-60s) began looking for other ways to bring about "Liberation" in order to bring in their cherished Marxist Utopian dream.

They recognized that the working class now, was not going rise up in the streets because they simply had it too good under capitalism. As David Horowitz, former Marxist and editor of the largest Left wing newsletter in the USA says "They (workers) found that capitalism spread  more money to more people than any other system"....

But.. never let a good story dissuade a radical committed Marxist! You are in BONDAGE and you need to be LIBERATED...whether you like it or not..and you must be "liberated" from all that affluence, and be brought into the communal utopia of Marxist equality. ie.. an equality where it doesn't matter how smart or creative you are.. you cannot use those skills for the benefit of yourself or your family....nope.. the fruit of your intellectual and physical labor must go to some lazy good for nothing who simply knows he will be given 'enough' even if he does only 'just enough' to get by.

In order to bring about "Liberation" it was neccessary for these socialists to identify 'victim groups'.. so  under the guidance of Herbert Marcuse and Theodore Adorno, and calling on the psychological theories of Eric Fromm, and the bizzare sexual theories of Wilhelm Reich, they selected such things as:
-Gay liberation.
-Environmental issues
-Womens Studies
-Black studies
-Gender politics
-Sexual liberation
-Animal liberation

The sexual liberation was led by Marcuse, but utilizing ideas of Wilhelm Reich and Eric Fromm. Marcuse also wrote an essay called "Eros and Civilization" in which he called for a "polymorphous perversity" ie.. open slather on all things sexual inside or outside the socially accepted norm. (which of course could mean adult child sex.. human animal sex... orgiastic and various combinations and permutations of numbers of people involved)

The primary issue that we in the West, and in particular in Australia, identifying how such ideas are being 'progressed' today, and by whom.

The unspoken assumption behind all the 'victim' groups listed earlier, is that they are in fact 'victims'...but from whose perspective? on the grounds of whose ideas? which values?  According to the Frankfurt school and their ideological offspring- it's "theirs". ie... Marxist ideology...Communism.

When we realize this awful fact,  the task of recognizing it, facing it down, challenging it and destroying it becomes much easier.

The other element of this group, was their conviction that if one is "Politically Correct" (by their ideas) then non-them are, politically INcorrect, and unquestionably in need of psychological treatment.  This translates into something we will see more and more unless we prevent it "Sensitivity Training".  (seems our parents are assumed to have taught us nothing about culture, manners and interpersonal relationships)

The real meaning of such 'training' is always aimed at destroying any sense of prevailing culture in places like the U.K., USA,  Europe and Australia.

Once again...I'm going to nag you all.. VIEW "The History of Political Correctness"...and learn what has been, and is being..done to you and by whom!

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