Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jews on trial? - Did some have a plan to murder 6 million German civilians?

Of course, the title might be a bit misleading. "Jews" are not on trial.. in reality, "humanity" is.
It would be overtly racist in the extreme to suggest that only 'some' races or nationalities are blighted with the evil of trying to exterminate those they detest. In any case, it is rarely 'races' which destroy 'non them', it's usually 'ideas'.
The exception would be where tribal loyalties prevail and the survival of the tribe can only be guaranteed through the destruction of it's enemies.
To see how 'ideas' and political dogma can have horrific outcomes.. see the video below.
 In the case of the video above, the Weather Underground estimated that around 20 million Americans would need to be 'eliminated' terminally for refusing to be re-educated in the mould of Socialism. That would fit more than 3 Jewish holocausts in it.

Well..this is a very short entry, but it relates to a story and interview I just viewed  on CNN.
It seems credible enough, and the linked article is from Jewish sources, so.. readers can make up their own minds.
Depending on how credible and true the report of the plan is, it at least shows that, "All have sinned" as the Bible clearly states.  In  a way.. when Paul speaks of "in Christ there is no longer Greek or Jew, slave or free, male or female" (Galt 3:28) it could also be said that "'in Sin and evil" all men are equal, whether Jew or German, Slave or Free, male or female.
One persons holocaust is another mans revenge, and vice versa.
The story relates an account of a holocaust survivor who explains they wanted revenge, and hatched the idea of obtaining a poison to introduce into the water supply of the German city of Nuremberg. Read the article for yourself. (linked above)
In the case of the Israelite genocide of the Amalekites, in historical context, personally I would not try to equate such a thing to the events of Nazi Germany.  I also cannot see in the very volatile relationship between Israel and the Palestinians, anything even vaguely resembling of the mass extermination of the Nazi's. But this article does show, that in 'intent' people can have equally diabolical feelings and even attempt to act them out.  Just as it was not 'all Germans' who carried out the attempt at extermination of the Jews, it was not 'all' Jews who sought to reply in kind by murdering a similar number of Germans.

Most Germans did not have a clue about what was happening to the Jews, as post war events confirm. Of those few Jews in high places who became aware of the plan to kill millions of innocent German civilians at Nuremberg, most rejected the idea.

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