Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Quran......on TRIAL!

Well...I suppose everyone and their dog will be jumping onto this story since the reactionist outrages in Afghanistan to Pastor Terry Jones placing the Quran on trial, convicting it and burning it recently.
Strange how such a thing in a remote and insignificant place in the USA can cause such a reaction in other countries which result in 'the nearest white/American looking/supporting/representing' people being slaughtered by raging mobs.

Raging Mob of Muslims  in Afghanistan.

The ADL plans to put the Quran on trial also, but we don't plan to burn it. Our 'trial' will be in the real world where real courts/tribunals are used to combat the more unsavory elements of the faith of Islam (as we see them)

The issues we will be focusing on are:
1/ Does the Quran permit child sexual abuse?
2/ Does the Quran permit spouse abuse/domestic violence?
3/ Does the Quran permit sexual abuse of captive women?
4/ Does the Quran advocate violent overthrow of non Muslim states?
5/ Is the character and behavior of Muhammad worthy of emulation and suitable for a civil society?
Other issues might crop up, but those are the easiest to prove. (and I mean 'prove')

All in due course....not today. Let us however observe, that the violent reaction of Muslims in Afghanistan seems to say something about the core values of the religion itself.  It's remeniscent of the Danish Cartoon outrage and the reaction to Salman Rushdie, and Geert Wilders and recently the death threats against Tommy Robinson of the English Defense League.

We are in the process of putting "MultiCulturalism" and "Progressiveism" on trial. Legal action has been launched against Ron Merkel QC (former Federal court judge) for insulting white/Anglo Australians on the grounds of their/our race. Professor Andrew Jacobowicz is under *warning* for similar offenses. (we are awaiting his response to that warning regarding offensive terminology used in his blog) If he fails to comply with the warning, legal action against him will follow thereafter.

Who has time for all this ? sure is a challenge.

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