Friday, February 4, 2011

"Celebrate" Islamic Imperialism in the USA ?

Now, I've seen everything... and I've seen a lot!
Some bunch of absolute drongo's in the US state of Virginia at something called the Virginia Military Institute are having a big hootenanny to celebrate the brutal invasion of Spain..oh wait.. I should use 'their' terminology eh?

We celebrate the 1300th anniversary of Tariq ibn Ziyad’s crossing of the Straits of Gibraltar, setting into motion the fusion between two worlds.

"Crossing" ..."Fusion" ?  it was a freaking BRUTAL INVASION you bunch of morons.

(Important technical definition of "moron")
a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.  <--- THIS one fits!
Psychology . a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.

Not exactly long after that, these 'tolerant' Muslims were raping, burning and  pillaging their way through the Piranees into France..and had it not been for Charles Martel at Poitiers in 732.... we'd all be yabbering away in Arabic today!

The mind truly boggles that  people so indescribably ignorant (or just plain in denial) of history exist.. worse that they are unleashed on the American public.

I'll bet they have some unsavory words and phrases for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin..and if you mentioned "Tea Party" in their presense they would probably need a week of solid remedial therapy to get them back to their 'leftist equilibrium' view of the world. Naturally.. Wilhelm Reich would be their therapist! (if he was alive)

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