Wednesday, June 29, 2011

SHARIA4AUSTRALIA...the latest threat.

Dear readers... I've often said that the Quran teaches sedition.   It's most clearly spelt out in the 9th chapter, in the 29th verse..which says as follows:
Quote:  9:29
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Now let's see how Australia's most 'sincere' Muslim understands that verse.. even though he does not mention it directly.

Well...there it is.. absolute proof if it was ever needed that Conlon and his ilk. (which includes those who herded Carnita Matthews from her appeal) are determined to overthrow the government of Australia by force. If they can't do it themselves.. they seek help from 'other' outside Muslim countries, in Conlons case he means Indonesia. Note his words.. "We DO know how" Jihad...."by force".

Now this delicious little serving of extremism raises a question about something the Left absolutely loves to hate.. i.e.... when we expose such vile seditious hatred and evil intent,  they have a brain spasm and declare that WE who expose such ranting are in fact 'inciting hatred' and 'dog whistleing' and "odious creatures fostering fear and loathing" as I've been charged with in other forums. Well.. I believe Conlons dribble totally vindicates my view, not that I need him to validate what is as clear as the MCG.

I urge and encourage all of you to look at sharing in our counter Jihad struggle against such vermin, by involving yourself with the Australian Defense League. Next Rally is July 30th at Martin Place in Sydney.. 12.00pm middday.

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