Saturday, June 11, 2011

Books, be gone!

I have now sorted and sorted and dug threw piles and have narrowed it down to the essentials - as far as the books go. I have donated and donated and donated (to friends, colleagues, the public library, my neighbors) until I have less than 150 lbs of books. Oh yeah, and those college books on theories....yeah, they'll be sold at the local college bookstore on Monday. They're HEAVY. No more Spanish language books and/or textbooks will be going in my suitcase. I'm sad to see them go, but I know that it's all for the better.

We've started to pack (it's early, I know) but it's necessary so we know what we can and cannot take. We've also decided to ship a few large items separately because we realize they won't fit in our suitcases but we don't want to leave our fabulous coffee maker behind. But at least the books will all be sold and I can just read from my Kindle in the meantime. 

And now, strange enough, I need to make a quick stop at Barnes 'n Nobles. This coming school year I'll be teaching Romeo & Juliet, Animal Farm, Tuesdays with Morrie, and maybe another novel/story/play. I realize that these books and resources may be difficult to find in Brazil and will most likely be pricey so I need to buy them here. But Animal Farm and the accompanying spark notes don't weigh but a pound and are small so I know at least the hubby won't complain. 

And who doesn't like to go shopping? I know I do! 

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