Thursday, June 16, 2011

David Speers/SKY NEWS.....PLEASEEEE ask *this* question (Assylum Seekers/Boat people)

Open letter to David Speers.... Sky News. 

Dear David,
I've just rung your news desk while watching the program "The Nation".... and there you are with 4 people who are biting each others policy rear ends back and forth..back and forth.. Nauru.. Malaysia.. Nauru... Malaysia.. this way that way.. every jolly *way* except the ONE way which is guaranteed to....WORK!!

What is that way ?

It's so incredibly simple. and CHEAP....  here's the plan.
1/ We already have laws on the books about people smuggling.. as a crime.
2/ Indonesian crews who bring those people here, are already guilty of that crime.
3/ The penalties are harsh enough IF...they are applied.
4/  CHARGE all crews which come here... with a criminal offense.
5/ Jail them for 10 years at least.
6/ PUBlicize that fact far and wide in Indonesia.. especially in areas where the crews are drawn from.

Believe it or not, you have just SOLVED the 'people smuggler' crisis. You have also saved the Australian Taxpayer many millions of dollars.

I'm afraid that if Politicians don't 'get' this, they are sadly lacking in that most basic of Aussie qualities...'common sense'... which I would think any person representing our nation would need to qualify for the job.

Now..jussst in case it's argued "Oh..but what if the crews are forced?"????  again.. soooo simple. If they are forced...that is also a crime..not their crime but that of the supposed Assylum seekers.... who are now criminals for piracy or something of that nature..hence.. no obiligation.. send them away quick smart.


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