Monday, June 20, 2011

The Death of Greece!

Greece is economically dying, it is racially "dead", the corpse is still warm, just waiting for the death certificate to be tied to the toe. Terminal fertility rates of 1.5 children per couple is not just 'of concern' it is also unrecoverable.   ie.. in short.. Greece is absolutely dead. within a couple of generations there will be no-one of 'Greek' racial stock  in Greece.  They will have all died without reproducing enough children to sustain their race.

The Nation of Greece however, will not dissappear.. it will be populated by numerous other tribes, such as Albanians, Northern Africans, Lybians and the such like..and all will have high fertility rates.  But you Greeks? -you will no longer exist.  Here is a quote from a Greek writer when reflecting on a recent visit to Greece:
(Evaggelos Vallianatos)

But Machairas, in 2011, is a dying village. The demographic crush; the decision of the peasants to have no children, complements the agricultural crush; the abandonment of traditional farming, the growing of crops for self-reliance, for the easy and imported idea of growing cash crops like tobacco and sugar.

 The peasants 'decided' not to have children..... errr.... why ? Who can the Greeks blame for the death of their race other than themselves?
The author claims:
There’s a way out of this slow-moving disaster but it demands a metamorphosis of the country from a colony of the West to a proud country of Hellenes. 
 But his solution.... leaves little doubt as to his dream world which thinks there will actually BE "Greeks" around within a few generations.... in blissful denial of the demographic/fertility rate reality. If no one is around...'who' is going to be proud ?
But this bloke just get's better and better.... (in his twilight zone dream world):
Second, Greeks must exile most of their politicians primarily responsible for the financial meltdown of the Greek economy. These are the people who borrowed huge amounts of money, forcing the country into insolvency
He seems to forget...that they borrowed all that money to fund greedy spoiled brat over paid underworked, selfish public servants who have been deluded into a false sense of self entitlement by equally deluded socialists who tell them the 'deserve' it.  But here is the best....
Third, a new government of citizens without party affiliation has to renegotiate the loans and embark on a self-reliance strategy. This means the country must produce all of its food; take charge of its rich tourism so all profits stay in the country; and vigorously start green industries to meet its vital needs in transportation, energy, and national defense.
What ????  oh no..... now I realize this character is in fact... a communist!... who simply believes that all those things:
-Produce all it's food
-Take charge of it's tourisim
-Start Greeeeen industries.
can happen apart from causing more revolution in the streets than they are already experiencing.  The people rampaging in the streets ARE those who want what he wants... but they are raging and rampaging because they are simply not getting what they want....but you can't have what you can't pay for... sorry about that.
The kind of transformation this author is speaking about sounds more like Pol Pot's 'Ground Zero' sending all the city population out to the country, but forgetting that it takes time to grow food.
This bloke is just blinded by his own racial/political confusion, grasping after some straw which will fuel either his racial longings or self deceived political idealism.
I have a MUCH better solution for Greece.
1/ Start having lottttts of babies.
2/ Start growing food on those fallow farm lands.
3/ Stop believing the world owes you a living of any standard other than the one you can manage from your existing resources.
4/ Beg the lenders to just forgive and forget those loans.. nothing else will repay them

It's simply really.

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