Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An excuse to go shopping

How could I ever move abroad and survive without certain items? Now I'm used to living without while in South America, I mean, isn't that kind of the point of going abroad? If everything were the same "there" as it is "here",  then why even leave? I've loved being overseas ever since I first step foot onto the Bolivia ground years ago. I like what's different, what's foreign....so why the "need" to shop for what I'll miss from the United States? There is no need, but it is nice to have certain things with me.

I know I'll miss American television and movies, so we're taking our DVDs with us, which means that we need to take our DVD player that will read said American DVDs. We'll also be taking our electronics and some appliances with us due to the cost and quality of them in Brazil. Scarcity of food and personal items makes one want to take peanut butter, BBQ sauce, tampons, English language books, and teacher resources.

And then there are the "fun" purchases like the TrueBlood Season 3 DVD set! And of course, I wouldn't have bought a Kindle if I were not leaving the country. And the new fluffy towels we got last night, the suitcases, and visits to the mall. I guess moving abroad just gives you an excuse to go shopping. Obviously you'd buy the suitcases if you needed them (like we did last year when we went on a cruise), but it's fun to go shopping regularly in preparation for the big move. We'll just have to pretend that it's not as expensive as it is. But in our defense, we hadn't shopped seriously for months knowing we'd be doing this right before we left.

I guess, then, with all of the shopping and preparations in moving that we will only need to buy what is necessary to settle us down and make us comfortable once we arrive in Brasilia. After that we'll be golden....that is, until our first trip back to the U.S., right? So although I don't need to watch TrueBlood, it's a show that I love and am glad to have an excuse to buy (I already own seasons 1 and 2). Plus, what girl doesn't want an excuse to go shopping?

Plus, I found out today that I don't need any dental work done before we move; I can wait until we get to Brazil to have my (partially) broken crown replaced. Now I just need to call TAM and do more laundry, pack, throw out boxes and maybe make another trip to GoodWill. Oh yeah, and stop by Walmart to get the MagicJack we need so we can make cheap calls to the U.S. Among other errands that need to be run...

But of course I have to wait for E to get home because we only have one car and one cell phone between the two of us. And of course I think that Lafayette is one of the best characters I've ever seen on a TV show so he'll keep me company until E returns; I can't get enough of Lafayette, his cousin, and these vampires and werewolves. And God knows I can't watch any more of these shows on the Internet - I got two viruses and had to restart my computer twice as a result.

So off I go....hookahs... 

Have a good day,

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