Thursday, June 16, 2011

oh man we are all the same :’)

BBC News - Ratko Mladic trial: Charge sheet amended - Brammertz:

Steps are being taken to speed up the forthcoming trial of former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic on genocide and war crimes charges, prosecutor Serge Brammertz has said.

He said the charge sheet had been amended to shorten the trial’s length.

Gen Mladic is in UN custody in The Hague and is due to make his initial court appearance on Friday.

He is accused of atrocities committed during the 1990s Bosnian war, including the massacre of Muslims at Srebrenica….. (read more)

Srbija SMH

I loved Serbia’s performance on Eurovision, they should have won!

Alone - Altruizam anonime (Spomenik neznanom umetniku, december 2010.)

Electronic music at it’s finest, playing in Serbia at this very moment. Synths are totally not dead and buried. I recommend you to get this one if you can, it’s something I’ve been playing on repeat for days.

More info here.

I went to bank to pay for my domain which expires tomorrow, and they tell me that it won’t be...Serbia arms industry boom time detonates Nato debate [BBC]:

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