Friday, April 22, 2011

Animals, your new "Master" (with their human sidekick advocates)

Just when you thought you'd heard it all, along comes Dr John Hadley from the University of Western Sydney, to tell us that we must now move "Animal Rights" into the area of 'property rights'..for animals of course.. but you knew that didn't you !
Unfortunately for animals....they can't speak, or attend law school or run litigation, -no problem, their human allies like Dr Hadley will do that for them.
Dr John Hadley

He can't ask them if they want his help... well..he can but the most they can do might be to wag their tails or make their ears prick up.... but say anything? Uh uh. Not a chance.

So we should ask 'from where' does this creepy and Orwellian idea of 'animal property rights' come from? Does it have a philosophical connection with any long existing ideas and political philosophies? You betcha!!

Not only is the idea 'creepy' .. it is also part of a creeping socialism/progressivism which will not relent or stop until you have to fill in a form in triplicate as to whether you can sneeze or cough or go to the loo!
To understand the historical and ideological connection for this novel (and don't forget creepy) idea, we need look no further than the ideas of Dr Hadley's 'spiritual' mentor (in the broadest sense)  one Herbert Marcuse.
Marcuse with adoring leftist students- is that Hadley down the front?

Marcuse was prominent in the 60s as a Jewish neo marxist  who put on the sheeps clothing of "social theorist/academic" when he fled Europe with the rise of the Nazi's. He went to the USA where he, along with others attached themselves like ideological limpit mines to the University of Columbia and became parasites with hyper messianic complex's, on the culture of the United States, which they believed must be 'fixed' along Marxist lines.

Marcuse became widely known in the 60s and was regarded by many as the intellectual oracle for the New Left.  There were others of course, - they and Marcuse had inculcated many ideas of radical (some outright communists like Wilhelm Reich) psycholanalysis into his ideology.

One cannot properly understand Hadley, unless one also knows  about Marcuse and the ideas of the Frankfurt school of social theorists and the 'Institute for Social Research' they established at Columbia.

All of the major doctines of (especially their radical forms)
Herbert Marcuse
-Animal 'rights'
-Homosexual 'rights'
-Abolition of borders
-"Equality" laws
etc.. came from these people. (monsters?)

Rather than me just woffle on, I refer the reader to a strikingly ominous documentary which shows how "Political Correctness" (of which Hadley is a member) came from these Marxsits.
The History of Political Correctness.

If that link fails (which it will after the 29th April-2011) try youtube.
Part 1 History of Political Correctness  (and the other parts usually show up on the side bar)

This is 'must see' viewing, even more than the gut wrenchingly funny "Frazier Marathon" this easter.
The important point to note, is that these Marxists were confronted with the problem of the failure of violent revolution after the single successful one in Russia. They thought it would catch on, ...but it didn't. They tried to resolve this dilemna by seeking 'other ways' to bring in Socialist Revolution and eventually a fully Communist society.  Those 'other ways' turned out to be Political Correctness and the many manifestations listed above.
The problem for us, is that even to make such a list is suggestive that only these people (marxists) were concerned about them. Such an idea is ridiculous and is a complete denial of history. For just one example
the SLAVE TRADE was abolished in the West, largely becuase of the work of evangelical Christians like William Wilberforce and John Newton. (who wrote Amazing Grace)

In way, to list such things as animal rights etc, is also to lay claim to them.  That is a major deception.

Never..NEVER forget the shield/coat of arms between the Fabian Socialists in their stained glass 'Window'...which is mean't to represent their movement. It has a wolf in sheeps clothes on the shield.
Detail close up look

Full Window
Probably of greater concern for Aussies is the fact that most Labor prime ministers ARE Members of the Australian Fabians.  The most radical was Gough Whitlam, (with is trusty multiculturalism sidekick Al Grassby).
But 'this' one is also a member:
Mao Cap added for effect. Julia Gillard.

Notice the 'Carbon Tax' ?  Notice how many groups want 'compensation'?
Unions especially.  The real agenda here is not the evvironment, but 'wealth redistribution'. Standard communism basically.

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