Friday, March 25, 2011

New World Order ?

Yep...I absolutely know that when someone uses the term "NWO" they are pretty well consigned to the conspiracy theory nutcase category...  well.. too bad.  I'm raising an issue here which is of very significant importance about something George Soros is doing in actually beginning the mechanics of that New World Order.
Most of you  probably think in terms of the following when it comes to the term NWO....

2/-Jewish Plan to takeover(you know..Rothschilds/Bilderburgers etc)
3/-NeoCons Council of Foreign Relations etc.. (often linked to or combined with number 2 above)
4/-Progressive Politics and Social Agenda(linked in reality to 1,2 and 3 but by how much and in what way remains a bit cloudy)

But there is another force at work which seems to be making more headway than any of the others.
That force is George Soros "OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE"

That group/movement is a) Led by Soros (a Jew) b) Progressive in ideology.
His choice of name appears to be one of those Bernaysian subliminal deceptions, where 'open' actually means closed in an Orwellian sense. It's more like describing the German concentration camps as "WorkOpportunities for Ambitious Jews"

Soros' Jewish background does not seem to be linked to what he's doing from where I stand, but I'm quite open to being proven wrong by a decent dose of verifiable facts. Soros is more a "progressive".  But it seems to me that if his 'Open Society' is successful, HE will be the kingpin. (or his delegated representative).
He just provided $100,000,000 to Human Rights Watch which seems to be more a left wing proxy than a genuine protector of real human rights.

Make up your own mind on this, I'll give a link now which you can peruse and consider.

I report... you decide.

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