Friday, March 4, 2011

UK regains some economic sanity.. denies funding to the UN.

It's a simple economic rule. "If you don't 'have' money.. you cannot spend it"  or.. If you don't have money, but DO spend it... then you are spending someone else's money, and incurring personal debt. For any country which has national debt, to give money to the UN (i.e. "Socialist Central Committee") for dubious, often sectarian, ideological driven pseudo political activities, which are often more than a little 'anti' Western in nature and action... is entirely ludicrous.

As I said.. if you don't have it.. you can't spend it.

The Cameron led  UK government has just demonstrated a tiny bit of much needed defunding of absurd UN programs, but they need to do much more!   Wisely, they have left untouched UNICEF the branch assisting children, and I don't think many of us would begrudge them that exception.

We need to move from 'window dressing' changes in UN funding to "slash and burn".. and utterly remove this malicious and pernicious cesspool of  corruption and influence buying by individual countries and bloc's like the Organisation of Islamic Conference. OIC

The UN should only be funded by countries which have a budget surplus, if at all.  Many voting countries at the UN owe their very survival to the good graces of more economically powerful Western countries, yet, when they vote, they do so in a way which is designed to destroy the very culture, values and life of those Western countries. To fund such an abysmal and detestable creature of bad habit, is like piling up fuel on your own funeral pyre (Enoch Powell)
Enoch Powell.

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