Sunday, March 27, 2011

What to take?

I have started making lists of what we are going to take with us to Brasilia. It has to be more than one list because we have to decide first what we're taking that we already own, and then we need to make a separate list of what we're going to take that we still need to buy before leaving. (That's the fun part, and the reason why I'm wearing the clothes I own now and not going shopping until later). Gives me something to look forward to, besides the end of the school year and my imminent departure.

This list making really is not complicated, even though I first found it overwhelming.

I have recently been doing my research. I've read expats' blogs (those that live in Brazil), searched on-line, did my own inventory in my house, did my own mental search of what is available/expensive in Brazil, and of course, spoke with my husband. Together we are compiling lists (since I like to be organized and am worried of forgetting anything) of what's important.

Most of the lists is made up of electronics - from laptops to our awesome coffee maker to our wireless router. But other valuable items include my Kindle, Eliton's DJ equipment, our stylish lamp from IKEA, and our scale. Then of course clothes, vitamins, shoes, books, school supplies, etc.

As I sort out my household items and belongings, it strikes me as interesting how I can look over my apartment and decide what is most important in my life and what I can and can't live without. Is is possible to put 20 something years into so many boxes?

I remember distinctly how before E arrived in the U.S. (because I had left Manaus before him to get us settled down on this end) I travelled to Rio for 10 days to meet him. I had a (very) large suitcase full of everything that I'd need for a (pre-marriage) honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro with me. When I met E at the hotel I noticed that he had maybe two (small) suitcases. He had packed his 23 years of life into two small suitcases and that was alright with him.

Well, if you don't own a home, then how much do you really have? Are those belongings important? Do you really need them? I am not by all means religious, but when you die, doesn't everything stay behind?

With that said, I am going to throw away tangible memories that I don't need to carry across the globe with me. My mom told me recently that she'd read about people taking pictures of themselves with their valuables before they throw it away, because don't we know that a picture is a lot less to carry around then that "item".  Not a bad idea. And again, I'm going to embark on a new journey and start a new life, so won't I just accumulate more "stuff" below the equator?

If anything, it gives you something to think about.

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